Kleiber + Co. GmbH Kurz- und Modewaren Fabrikation customer service +49 8384 82030

Safety products

See and be seen! With our reflective articles, you will be seen even in situations where visibility is poor. Our headbands, iron-on-tapes, self-adhesive patches, reflex stickers and signal stickers all reflect light when illuminated. 

Some of the products feature 3M Scotchlite Reflective Material.


Safety light

Safety light - perfect for all outdoor sports, camping and for...

Reflective tape 3M

Safety in the dark with the reflective tape to iron-on

Signal deco tape self-adhesive 3M

Safety in the dark with the signal deco tape self-adhesive

Signal deco tape self-adhesive

To be seen in the dusk - use signal deco tape on you textiles, rainwear...

Signal patch self-adhesive 3M

Safety in the dark with 3M self-adhesive Signal patches

Signal patch self-adhesive

Safety in the dark with self-adhesive Signal patches

Signal sticker Small triangles

Self-adhesive and reflecting triangles for decorating

Signal sticker Large triangles

Self-adhesive and reflecting triangles for decorating

Signal sticker Arrows

Safety in the dark with the self-adhesive, reflective arrows
