Kleiber + Co. GmbH Kurz- und Modewaren Fabrikation customer service +49 8384 82030


Colourful, funny and child-appropriate presentation of road and building vehicles, tractors and aeroplanes will get you on the right track and will please the boys in particular.



Digger as a motif for easy iorn-on

Green tractor

Green tractor as a motif for easy iorn-on

Tractor with bucket

Tractor with bucket as a motif for easy iorn-on

Red Tractor

Red Tractor as a motif for easy iorn-on

Cement mixer

Cement mixer as a motif for easy iorn-on

VW bus

Cool VW bus as a motif for easy iorn-on

Green VW bus

Cool green VW bus as a motif for easy iorn-on

Blue VW Beetle

Blue VW Beetle as a motif for easy iorn-on

Red car

Red car with peace sign as a motif for easy iorn-on
