Kleiber + Co. GmbH Kurz- und Modewaren Fabrikation customer service +49 8384 82030


Suitable motifs for traditional costumes and country house style dress up dirndl dresses, blouses, bags or hats. With a lot of love for detail, it allows the sense of tradition to be revived.


Motif hearts

Embroidered Motif for iron-on

Motif Edelweißheart + Edelweiß

Embroidered Motif for iron-on

Motif Deer head

Embroidered Motif for iron-on

Motif Elk head

Embroidered Motif for iron-on

Motif Elk

Embroidered Motif for iron-on

Motif Bag with Edelweiß

Embroidered Motif for iron-on

Motif cow

Embroidered Motif for iron-on

Edelweiss small

Embroidered Motif for iron-on


Embroidered Motif for iron-on
